
http://www.aish.com/ - [i]A jewish site[/i] http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/ -[i]Jeff A. Benner, exellant resource[/i] http://www.tachash.org/texis/vtx/chumash -[i]Torah Study resource[/i] http://www.hebrew4christians.com/ - [i]Learn Hebrew[/i] http://messianic.com/articles/heb-cal.htm - [i]Hebrew calender[/i] http://www.languageguide.org/hebrew/index.jsp - [i]Hebrew vocabulary guide[/i] http://www.israelimages.com/ - [i]Pictures of the promised land[/i] http://www.hebcal.com/ - [i]Hebrew calender, date converter tool[/i] http://www.lunarsabbath.com/ - [i]Lunar Sabbath[/i] http://biblicalholidays.com/Hebrew-roots/tabernacle.htm - [i]Learn of the Biblical Holidays[/i] http://bible.ort.org/ - [i]Journey into the world of the Jewish Bible[/i] http://www.torahchat.com/ - [i]Learning Torah on the Net[/i] http://www.hebrewsongs.com/psalm0index.htm - [i]Psalms in Hebrew[/i] http://www.raptureready.com/resource/fj/Josephus.html - [i]The Works of Flavius Josephus [/i] http://www.sabbathtruth.com/default.asp - [i]Sabbath Truth[/i] http://www.menorah.org/torahand.html - [i]Torah, Talmud, Midrash Biblical Discussion Articles[/i] http://dukhrana.com/ - [i]Peshitta[/i] http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~elsegal/TalmudPage.html ~ http://www.come-and-hear.com/tcontents.html - [i] - A Page from the Babylonian Talmud[/i] http://ffoz.org/ - [i]First Fruits of Zion, a must for christians[/i] http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ - [i]News form Israel[/i] http://www.alljudaica.com/ ~ http://www.a-zara.com/ - [i]No better way to support Israel than spend money there.[/i] http://www.metroplexmessianic.org/Index.html - [i]My congregation, well not mine but.....[/i] http://www.thepowernewtestament.com/ - [i]The best NT ever written[/i] http://www.suesamuel.com/ ~ http://www.tedpearce.com/default.aspx? ~ http://www.zemerlevav.org/home.shtml ~ http://www.messianicmusic.com/ - [i]Messianic Music[/i] http://prophetofdoom.net/ - [i]The Truth about islam[/i] http://jihadwatch.org/ - [i]Learn what the ememy is up to[/i] http://www.cresourcei.org/tulip.html - [i]Calvinism Compared to Wesleyan Perspectives[/i] Post edited by: barry, at: 2008/02/28 17:24

Post edited by: barry, at: 2008/03/26 10:51

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