
Yeah, there's not much we can say. I mean, the majority of us here believe homosexual sex is wrong, so we can't really say "Go for it!" It's also kind of tricky because there's a lot of social pressure to say that homosexuality is uncontrollable and that people are "born that way." I could state my own belief on the matter but then again I've never been attracted to males. So you have to answer that question yourself: is homosexuality a temptation just like any other sin is a temptation or is it an uncontrollable fact of life? If it's the latter, then there's not much else I can say to help. But if it's the former, then I think biblical guidance on sexual temptation still applies: run from it, do not even go near it. And if I were in your shoes and I was not attracted to the opposite sex but wanted to be, I think my plan of action would include both a lot of prayer and research in psychology to understand what is going on inside of my head.

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