
Eating God's animals!


17 year(s) ago

Hey great comments everyone. The question is a great one, becuase it demonstrates one of the classic truths of the Bible: that God has through time progressively revealed his truths to mankind in small bits. The question is, what changed between God's command to Adam to only eat "plants" to some of those great qoutes concerning eating animals in the Bible? The answer is God's new covenant with Noah. God tells Noah in Genesis 9:3, "Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I [u][b]now give you everything." It then goes on to speak specifically about meat.


17 year(s) ago

thats stupid. hes talking about certain kinds of meat. not just any meat


17 year(s) ago

[b]jewsrock wrote:[/b] [quote]thats stupid. hes talking about certain kinds of meat. not just any meat[/quote] clarify your statement.... who's he? and which certain kinds of meat are we talking about? and what's stupid?


17 year(s) ago

See Jesus, even fed 5,000 people with just 2 fish and bread. So not only are we eating gods animals, but bake in the bible days, they even ate gods animals


17 year(s) ago

One comment: It is impossible to be a true vegetarian (which is eating no animal by-product at all) to live. God killed the first animal sorry.

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