


14 year(s) ago

On a related note, any reasons off the top of your head two jQuery plugins wouldn't work on the same page? As in, is this a common compatibility issue?


14 year(s) ago

Umm..I'm not familiar with any common incompatibilities between plugins. And usually the plugins will list in the description if they conflict with other scripts. Which two plugins in particular?


14 year(s) ago

I forget what they're called...Coda-slider and another one... [url]http://threetrucksandaband.com/3tab/index1.html[/url] P.S. Forgive the sloppy code...I'm just meshing things and customizing at the moment (relatively at the moment as it's been a few weeks since I've worked on it).


14 year(s) ago

I get a syntax error on line 23. [quote]$(document).ready(function(){ $("#featured > ul" ).tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}}).tabs("rotate", 5000, true); [color=#FF0000]});[/color] $('#coda-slider-1' ).codaSlider(); }); [/quote] Lose the red. You're ending the function before you're finished with the code. Also, for future reference, you can use "$(function(){" instead of the "$(document).ready(function(){" - the former is shorthand for the latter and is just a small way to optimize your script size.


14 year(s) ago

M'kay...I'm no coder (obviously) I just enjoy toying and whatever experience it brings. :) I appreciate the help immensely.


14 year(s) ago

Aye, no problem. Also, do you use any sort of debugger in your browser? (Web Developer or Bugzilla? although I've never used the latter one)


14 year(s) ago

[b]serfofChrist92 wrote:[/b] [quote]Aye, no problem. Also, do you use any sort of debugger in your browser? (Web Developer or Bugzilla? although I've never used the latter one)[/quote] I use Firebug, but I didn't understand the error it gave me.


14 year(s) ago

Ah, ok. Usually I just take whatever line it says the area is at and look for problems around it. Syntax errors usually mean you have a typo or something that doesn't belong.


14 year(s) ago

I have one question though. Why does the website's icon have a picture of you Nathan?


14 year(s) ago

[b]javie wrote:[/b] [quote]I have one question though. Why does the website's icon have a picture of you Nathan?[/quote] It shouldn't. What browser/OS are you on? It's pulling the favicon from the wrong folder.

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