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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/technofreak
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Jamie Morgan
jennifer lola
Hey wuz up?
Jamie Morgan
Hi, see u haven't updated ur profile yet lol 8) 8) 8)
Jamie Morgan
And I thought having a pic of my computer was bad u and that fridge can go a long way 8) :lol:
Jamie Morgan
thanks 4 the odd story on my wall :lol: :lol:
Jamie Morgan
Hi 8) 8)
Jesica Mathews
hi i know its weird to get weird random people posting on your site, but hey what can i say i just turned 16 and im bored...so me and my friend ariel are gonna make up a BORED BUDDIES STORY...weve done 2 already pretty interesting might i say...anyway my names jes...have fun and most of all laugh hard...cuz if you dont im gonna have to shoot myself! :D
Jesica Mathews
hmmm...*looks at ariel* arent you tired of getting hurt by hitting a wall? lets go do something more fun...*looks out at the window at the brand new 2006 mustang* are you thinking what im thinking? *looks at the ice on the ground and thinks to self hmmm thats even better* what you say ariel up for it? i am...hehehe ill take drivers seat!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Jesica Mathews
*looks at rick in a come and get me way and speeds off to an empty parking lot where i fishtail so i face him* VROOM! VROOM!...lets play a lil chicken shall we....*starts doing 100 mph towards rick and rick swerves out of the way and looks back at me like im psycotic while me and kayla laugh histarically* MUHAHA..what else shall we do in this beauty
Jesica Mathews
*takes hands off wheel while going 100 and turns to give you a hug* im sorry i said the wrong name...i still luv ya...*runs a red light and almost gets sideswiped by a semi and look as you scream in fear* oops i forgot were driving still *grabs the wheel and does a 180 in the intersection...YAY...Vrooms past rick going the opposite way! :D :lol:
Jesica Mathews
*looks at ariel!* no wonder i called you kayla! *looks evily to the left where there is a 3 cars lined up and what appears to be a ramp on both sides* MUHAHA *VROOM!* ready dear? *goes to 150 and jumps all 3 cars landing it perfectly...now thats good driving...till next time...this is jes signing off of bored buddies
Ariel Chhhhhhhhh.
hello there i'm Ariel .. Jes's bored buddie :D hi.. well here goes our story thehee.... alright... *makes a ramp by using a piece of wood and the char :D .. stands up the ramp and trys to fly. flapps arms as hard as possible and suddenly crashes into the wall* :cry:
Ariel Chhhhhhhhh.
sweet... lol.. alright..well lets go *hopes in the passenger seat next to jes.. we speed off and see that Rick is speeding by in a really ugly ghetto car :lol: .. we speet up to him and then............ to be continued....
Ariel Chhhhhhhhh.
*VROOM! grabbs on to the suiside grips and holds on tight! as jes makes a sharp turn! i look at Rick in pitty cuz he is so darn slow! :lol: * ((and its Ariel you fool .. not Kayla.. gosh.. get it right :D:Djust messing :D:D)) ........ well.... too be continued..... :D
Ariel Chhhhhhhhh.
MY GOSH YOU TRYING TO KILL ME I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!!! GOSH..... *grabbs seatbelt and screams for dear LIFE..* AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH JESS YOUR GOING TO KILL US BOTH!!!!! i love to drive fast but goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............. to be continued....................

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