
hey i will definitly keep you in my prayers.. lets just say i know what that is like..honestly i will admitt i tired to kill myself 5 times in may this year but until i found out and got a real big reality lesson people care i knew all the time that people cared about me but i never thought a lot about it..until now i don't even think of killing myself..well i know what depression is like i was diagonesed with it 2 years ago with severe chronicle depression and it wont go away for awhile but i got past it and so can you..people think that depression can be tooken away at any moment but it can't.. it is not and i repeat not your fault or anyone who has depressions fault on why they feel that way but you just have to keep on going and believe in yourself if i can do it so can you..i hope this helped alittle bit there is people like you out there..and i am just one of them...if i can do anything else let me know..

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