
Bob... You are not following what I am saying. God knows everything because "to Him" (in His eyes) it has already happened. He is not looking into the future. It is all present tense for Him. He sees all decisions that we make, and knows the results, because He is there... To say that, "if God knows something is going to happen..." is a statement within the confines of linear time. We have to remove "time" from the equation. God is outside of time, looking in, and He sees all of time from the beginning to the end, all at once... It is a little bit like us watching a DVD. NOTICE THAT I SAID A LITTLE BIT!!! Most DVDs have a "Scene Selection" where we can jump from one spot on the DVD to any other spot, without having to watch everything in between. Now, regardless of where we go to in the DVD, we have no control over how the movie is going to play out. We have no control over the writer who orginially wrote the movie, or how the director directed the movie, or even how the actors chose to act out the movie. However, we can watch it, and we can "see" how it all plays out. Now, let's say that we watch the same movie 100 times... I don't know about you, but if I watched a movie 100 times I would pretty well know everything that was going to happen within that movie. Some friends come over and they want to watch the same movie. When I put that movie in, I already know everything that is going to happen. However, I am not controlling what happens, nor how the movie ends (not including interactive DVDs :) ) So you see, it is KINDA! like that, not exactly. We can not make an exact representation, but the idea is that God knows because to Him.... it has already happened! Our future is not "future" to God. He already saw it, and He currently sees it... The fact that He sees it, and has seen it, does not in any way shape or form suggest that He manipulated it, or forced it. It simply means, He has already seen it, and He sees it currently. I know it is hard to grasp, but that is because we are trying to grasp a concept that is privy to God, and our minute minds can not comprehend it. -Matt

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