
[b]horsechic1990 wrote:[/b] [quote]Hello everyone! I have debated this with quite a few of my friends before, and I was wondering what you all thought of Harry Potter and weither you thought it was wrong/sinful to watch the movies/read the books. I hope that you all don't attack me for saying this, but I am a Harry Potter fan and I don't see anything wrong with watching the movies or reading the books 'cause in my opinion it doesn't say in the Bible that we can't read about stuff like Harry Potter. To me, the Bible says not to do witchcraft, and if you read the books or watch the movies, then you are not doing witchcraft, so as long as Harry Potter doesn't make you believe in witchcraft, then I think it's ok to like it. Anyways, Harry Potter doesn't have real witchcraft in it and half the books are spent on the theme of good vs. evil anyways. Also, why would people call Harry Potter series satanic, 'cause Satan isn't even mentioned in the books and the books are not meant to glorify him. I was just wondering what you all thought of Harry Potter and any comments/advice would be really helpful. Thanks![/quote] ok you said the Bible said not to do witchcraft. but it didn't say anything about not watching it or reading it. ok yeah I gotcha on that. but....the Bible also said that sex outside of marriage is bad. But I didn't say watching movies with people doing it is wrong did it? so does that mean we can?? you decide but I really don't think we should be filling our minds with that stuff.

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