
It's true that we need to watch what we say, as the Bible does point out "in the tongue is the power of life and death." (paraphrased from memory) However, God has a sense of humor, just look at some of us humans and you can tell that. I think "put-down humor" as it was put, can be funny, and can be negative. It all depends on the spirit of the person making the joke and the spirit of the person receiving it. I believe God understands a little "negative humor" between friends, such as making a joke about your best friend's hair cut. I think we need to watch what company we're in when we make those sort of jokes, but I do not believe that they glorify Satan. I think, and I am not intending to judge anyone, that this is taking the power of the tongue to the extreme. We need to find a balance. While it is true the the tongue can break someone's spirit and murder them spiritually, saying that their haircut is bad, among the right company, will do no damage.

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