
[b]Chantillon wrote:[/b] [quote]Anyway you slice or dice it,there is no evidence scripture or after in writings fathers of the church that scriptures[bible] is the only authority,its combination of both of scripture/oral tradition and apostalic succession having authority to interprete.[/quote] again, of course there is no evidence in scripture that the Bible is the only authority becuase the Bible hadnt been compiled yet.... and they didnt know that there was going to be one... it was mostly letters and such But, we can gather from scripture that the Holy Spirit and Jesus should be our only resources for spiritual authority.... this is where we have a bit of a problem in this debate here.... i believe that we need to judge everything that these "authorities" that we have placed in the church by the Bible because that is the most direct look into the will and mind of God that we can possibly have.... again, I believe that humans make mistakes and I would not take everything that a pope or bishop or anyone says about that Bible at face value because it might not be right.... weigh it against the Bible.... and because many popes have made scriptual errors in the past, I do not follow them... and I dont believe that the idea of one person leading the religion outside of Jesus Christ is a Biblical idea

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