
Acts 3 and 4 are a type and shadow of getting purity back into the church. Check it: Peter and John are going to the temple(church) to pray. At the temple gate (called Beautiful) they meet a lame man who has always layed there to beg for alms. Peter and John heal him with the power of GOD and the x-lame man gets up jumping and shouting that he has been healed. Then they go inside the church....not in the streets, but INSIDE the church to show the people what GOD has done!! Then Peter directs a sermon to the congregation, the church leaders and the Pharisees and tells them that they need to get right with GOD. the parallel is this: The lame man is the every day christian who is begging for help, seeking GOD the best he know how. Life is not what every one makes it to be. But he is lame from the teaching of religion and not relationship. Peter and John are messangers sent by GOD. They heal the lame man and goes INTO the church. They preach a message of Righteousness to the church. A message of purity and opf relationship. This message was a message of humility. So what I believe GOD is saying is that it is time for the church to turn bakc to righteousness, purity and humility because all it has produced was lame christians who fellowship with each other and not with JESUS!!! Notice, this was the first miracle after the HOLY SPIRIT rushed into the upper room!! The first shall be last! I believe this is the last move that GOD wants to take place on this earth. A move toward righteousness!

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