
[b]How does your faith differ from your parents?[/b] For me, it doesn't differ 'cause both my mom and dad are strong Christians like I am. We go to a non-denominational Christian church and we believe in the same things. [b]How did you come up with your belief?[/b] I have been part of a Christian church since I was about 8 or 9 years old (I'm 16 now), but I didn't come to know the Lord until later. When I was about 12 or so I went to a Christian camp and I heard about how the Lord would always be my friend and would always be there for me (back then I had it in my head that I didn't have any friends). I gave my life to Christ about a week after going to that camp and I have been a Christian ever since. I got baptized with my dad when I was about 13 or so. [b]What changed your mind?[/b] Like I said, I changed and became Christian after hearing about the true extent of Christ's love for us and how he would always be friends with us and never leave us. I wanted to have a friend for life and I had already believed in God, so it was easy to make my decision to become Christian. [b]Rituals at my church[/b] We don't do a lot of rituals at my church, but the ones that we do do, like Communion for example, we do 'cause they have a Biblical backing and are taught in the Scriptures that we should participate in. My church also does worship through song, tithing, etc. and my youth group does the 30 Hour Famine every year.

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