
[b]pastorjames77 wrote:[/b] [quote]Read I Cor. 12/Romans 12 What would be the modern day purpose of speaking in tongues AND are the qualifications being met.[/quote] I honestly don't know. I'm just a baby in christ. God has not shown me anything according to this or any wisdom. I could make a huge arguement, but I believe that speaking in tongues is a beautiful gift from the Lord. You don't have to think so. If I were to use this gift in vain (without love) then yes, it is pointless. Is there any scripture that says that it is wrong? I know that the Corinthians were slapped on the wrists for it, but I don't know why. but read 1cor13:1, it says as long as it is God inspired and not in the flesh, then it is a wonderful gift from God.

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