
hex- The passage you cite refers to a gathering of the Non-Jewish (or non-religious Jewish) believers being joined into the family of Israel. I don\'t see how it deals with being saved by faith or grace. Can you explain a little more, please? Jim- Sorry, but that\'s not something I\'m gonna change to accomodate my brethren. \"Jesus\" is barely better than a slave name, a twisted version based on Greek and Roman culture, and in this case, it renders the name meaningless. \'Yeshua\' literally means \'He saves\'. And boy, how He does! Hallelujah and Baruch HaShem! I\'ll stick to the name His family called Him, the name with meaning, rather than the empty name chosen later by those who hijacked His religion. *EDIT* (I\'m pretty sure He didn\'t speak English anyway, and I\'m not convinced He spoke Greek as a habit)

Post edited by: MattBob_SquarePants, at: 2006/12/26 18:02

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