
[b]screams wrote:[/b] [quote]do you have anything to back up that she's a satanic witch? and normally satanism and witchcraft are very different, satanism is also very different than what most christians would like to believe it is. i've been a lord of the rings fan for quite a while. tolkien stated flatly that his writings were not an allegory, and that he didn't intend it to be about his christian beliefs, or about his beliefs on the war that was happening when he wrote the book. he actually even hated the narnia series because of the fact that it was a straight forward allegory of christianity and the bible. no one says you can't find your own special interpretations of the stories tolkien wrote though, you just have to remember that they're not symbolic to christianity or the rise of hitler.[/quote] I don't care. all I know is that she is not a good lady. Satanism maybe different from what christians think but It is still satanism. It doesn't make it ok to do. Same with witchcraft.

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