let's go over the fundamentals of both witchcraft and satanism. witchcraft. the religion of witchcraft is called wicca. they serve both a god and a goddess. the do believe in spells and such, but spells don't come from waving a wand... they focus energy with their mind to accomplish things like this. they are also only supposed to do things for what they consider to be good, which is generally what we would consider good also. normally a wiccan belongs to a coven where they worship the god and goddess of their beliefs. also, from my understanding harry potter is denounced by most wiccan fundamentalists. harry potter follows stereotypical witchcraft, and is nothing like the real pagan religion. as for satanism, satanists don't even worship the same satan in christianity. to satanists, satan is just a symbol of their love to the world. satanists don't have a god, they serve themselves... in other words, if you do what you want to do you are following satanic law.. as according to the satanic bible. if rowling was a part of these religions, she probably wouldn't be saying she's a christian. members of both religions are normally persecuted by most christians, and don't have much respect for any christians at all... logically, it wouldn't make much sense for her to be satanist or wiccan. even if she isn't a christian, she probably does believe in god, and probably shares similar principles with most christians.