
[b]SmilinBob wrote:[/b] [quote]You can\'t prove god exists either, so to me as an agnostic people that believe god exists and those that believe god does not exist are both thinking the same way.[/quote] You can\'t PROVE He exists per say considering the only way to prove it would be to show Him and touch Him, however you [i]can[/i] provide overwhelming evidence that leads you the conclusion that He MUST be real. AS in those statistics and prophecies. And through logic. \"Can we prove creation [i](which in turn would prove God existed)[/i]? No. Can we prove evolution [i](which wouldn\'t do anything considering it would not mean God didn\'t exist)[\\i]? No. We can WEIGH THE EVIDENCE. And there is OVERWHELMING evidence for the fact that God exists and creation did indeed happen. Not to mention miracles that I witness every day that could only be by the hand of God....

Post edited by: actresscp, at: 2007/01/07 12:21

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