
[b]SmilinBob wrote:[/b] [quote]I guess the fact that man sins proves we have free will, unless god wants people to burn in hell, or maybe it their isn\'t a Christian god at all.[/quote] That does not prove free will, that proves will. Yes we have choices but they are limited. God gives us the choices we may choose from. It\'s like if you have a toddler at the ice cream store, she says \"Oh look I have free will because I can choose my own Ice Cream flavor or choose not to have Ice cream if I don\'t want to.\" Well no...she can only choose between those options. She can\'t choose a flavor that\'s no there, and she may not be able to choose to have more than one flavor. You may say \"Well the child could always run away\". However the parent (being God), is strong enough to stop them and never would let them. That is my analogy. Yes we have will, but it is very limiited, and ultimately the choices we have are limited by God. Thus we do not have FREE will.

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