
Ok, I know this isn't the music forum, but I got this excerpt and link from an e-mail my friend sent to me. The song that goes with it was banned from public radios for being politically incorrect (that's where the politics part comes in, which is why I put it in the politics forum), which I think is totally bull because people have a right to freedom of speech! It shouldn't be the government's decision to decide weither or not people hear a certain song on the radio; if someone finds it offensive, then they can just tune into a different station! So, please listen to the song and give me your thoughts about it and the excerpt that goes with it. It is a country song, but it's message is good. horsechic1990 P.S. The excerpt is first listed below, and the link is on the bottom to listen to the song. THIS IS AWESOME................TO SAY THE LEAST.........ENJOY..... In March, 2005, this song was performed at a Diamond Rio concert. They received an immediate standing ovation, and continue to do so every time they perform it! Sadly, major radio stations wouldn't play it because it was considered politically incorrect. Consequently, the song was never released to the public. If this song speaks to your heart, share it with friends and loved ones. Then let us cease being the silent majority and join together -- not as a particular political party, but as Americans! http://gunbarrelcityradio.com/InGodWeStillTrust.wmv

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)