I go on about evangelism because I’ve tasted first hands the blessing of what God can do through me when I outreach (as I belong to a group of evangelism and we street preach and hand out tracts and talk to people one on one on the Saturdays in the city). Seeing non-Christians start to become afraid of God when you talk to them is so encouraging, and having someone sincerely thank you for warning them about hell, is a feeling to amazing to describe. I just want people to come to know Christ and escape the lake of fire. I’ve also observed that people who move in the realm of evangelism get really caught up in the very heart beat of God, and they tend to not get swayed away by the worldly temporal things that many Christians get caught up in (such as seeking after a new building for their church, or seeking the blessings of the prosperity gospel, or just simply not evangelizing to anyone other than their friends). There are so many pitfalls and snares that can take a Christian away from what’s important and get them focused on the cares of this life. Evangelism is a good cure for that. It makes you publicly profess Christ. It proves that your not ashamed of Him. It makes you suffer yourself to be defrauded for His sake. It makes you walk in the very footsteps of Jesus! As a good friend of mine said once before an outreach one day “reaching out to the lost is the most important thing in the universe! Its more important than the stock market and the business and wall street etc, it’s the most important thing we can do in our lives!”! Truly it is. Almost every Christian makes time for daily prayer and bible reading and weekly church and cell groups, but so few set aside a day or even a few hours per week to go into the world and tell lost people about Jesus. Its MEANT to be one of the FOUNDATIONS of our faith! Yet many Christians are on a shaky foundation because when it comes to reaching the lost, they just don’t have time for the ones Jesus died to save!