
Cheecha, this is answered very easily. The Hebrew word in question in Job 17 is [size=4]תּפת[/size] (tôpheth). The word means \"a smiting,\" or, figuratively \"contempt.\" Yes, it is translated into the King James as \"tabret,\" but that\'s because the word tôpheth derives from the Hebrew word [size=4]תּפף [/size](tâphaph), which means \"drum\" or \"tambourine.\" While the King James translation may be [i]adequate[/i] in its translation, I\'m afraid the NIV does a better job in preserving the meaning the author was trying to convey. You see, while tâphaph means drum, the word that derives from it (tôpheth) means something more figurative than a literal drum. It means someone who has been scorned or someone toward whom people have contempt. This actually is a perfect example of one of the KJV\'s weakness. You see, just because something is the most \"literal\" doesn\'t exactly mean it is always the most accurate. (This is even true of the NASB.) In the attempt for the translator of the KJV to be literal he missed the true meaning of the text, a meaning that we now can better understand due to the improvements in our understanding of the Hebrew language and greater strength in Biblical studies. Look, I don\'t deny that different translations say slightly different things. That is what makes them different. The challenge of the Bible student is to utilize all the resources available to determine what the author originally intended to say, and which translation does the best job of helping us do that. Contrary to what some people think, the KJV is [b]not[/b] the first Bible. Yes, it was the first widely accepted [i]English translation[/i], and yes, it has played an important role in the lives of many Godly men and women. But for crying out loud, it is NOT the ONLY English translation, and it DEFINITELY is not the best. The only people who still think that are ultra-fundamentalist-conservative types who are ignorant of Biblical studies and believe that any formal education is of the Devil. Forgive me for the sting of that comment, but it is absolutely true. I am not a liberal. I am not uneducated. I attended a private conservative holiness Bible College and I currently attend a conservative holiness Seminary. My life\'s work is to battle liberals who don\'t believe God\'s Word is inspired and who seek to dismantle it word for word. But, unfortunately, I\'m also forced to expend a lot of time defending the Bible from the radical conservative types too, who make no effort to figure out what the truth is, but instead are content to perpetuate generational ignorance by taking people at their word as though it is infallible and never questioning its veracity. While I love these people as a brother in Christ, I do not respect their opinions, for they are ignorant (not stupid, just ill-informed), dogmatic, and intellectually dishonest. I believe that the Spirit reconciles and draws us to Christ and to one another. I love Jesus with all my life, and I love his people. It is because of this that I also love truth. God has given us the capacity to figure out what truth is, and I believe that in the end the truth will outshine the darkness of ignorance and intellectual bigotry. That is what I hope results from my labors on this message board. Cheecha, I admire your passion and your humility. Cultivate that, and let the Holy Spirit guide you into all truth. Maintain that humility, but never be afraid to stand up against those who let their minds stagnate in unintelligence. God bless you in your endeavors.

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