
I write poems, storys, songs... you name it I most likely will attempt to write it!:side: I wrote a poem about a girl who was about to (I really AM a positive person!) but she started thinking about her friends and family and God, and she decided not to jump. Here I think I'll post it: Into the light A girl was caught Wondering through the darkness, Alone. She was lost, On the edge of a building With the thoughts of her solitude running rampant through her mind “Why am I not good enough?” she thought, “I’ll never be happy No one will ever love me.” The cold earth beckoned her And she was about to end her sorrow When a ray of light cut through the shadows A thought of her parents, Of her friends, And of God. A thought of all the good she could do in the world, Of the pain her loved ones would endure by her leaving, And of the life she could lead someday. The light grew brighter It was mesmerizing The heat from it filled her She knew she was loved Despite what other people thought of her She always would be loved. She looked back at the ground It no longer wanted her She stepped back off the ledge- Into the light. -Mickinicki (who's real name will not be poasted)

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