
AWESOME POEM! I write some poetry too! And stories, songs, and books! I love to write! Anyways though, I think the best way to reach people for Christ is to be a light to others. Just be yourself around people and Jesus's light will shine through you. I can guarentee that people will see something different about you if you do that! You can be the example and people will want to be like you. They will want to know how you can act that way, how you can love others even when they hurt you, how you can be happy even when going through rough times, how you can make the best of everything, etc... etc... I know from experience, it works better if you let them come to you. When you try and force things upon people, they will have the wrong view of Christians. If you allow the Lord to lead them to you, then, you will see people come to Jesus! If you strive to be like Jesus, you will bring people to Jesus because people will be curious about why you act the way you do! I swear, it works! I could go on and on, but i think i will stop right here. Hopefully you get the point! :side: ;)

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