
What is your definition of Life? Jesus came that we would have Life. Consider a seed. Once it is planted in the ground, the seed breaks from the pressure of the soil. But from within that seed there is growth. That growth continues and produces more seed to produce more and more. The galaxy is constantly growing, light is constantly advancing. Life is the same way. It is constantly producing, constantly advancing, constantly growing and increasing. Consider death. Death is a continual decline, a continual process of destruction and deterioration. Jesus said that today , life and death are set before us, therefore choose Life. My point in writing this is to say that we often put things that are death producing into the category of Gods will. God clearly show us that Life is His will. Is there something in your life that is declining, something that has been destructive or deteriorating? Why say or ask if it is the will of God for you. Know that the gospel is GOOD NEWS!! Death has lost its power. Choose to believe God and choose life.

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