
[b]MisterNathan wrote:[/b] [quote][b]Gamester4 wrote:[/b] [quote][b]MaddMatt wrote:[/b] [quote]What is truly scary is that the parents of many children are ignorant as to spiritual warfare, and spiritual entities. Comparing Star Wars (I am not saying that it is a good Christian movie) to Harry Potter is not a good example. There are two sides to Star Wars, Light and Dark / Good and Evil. This is a plausible representation of Heaven and Hell, although not a very accurate one. I am not saying that Star Wars is a good representation of Biblical teachings! I am saying that Harry Potter presents witchcraft as harmless fun. Star Wars presents the Dark side as wrong, and evil, and undesirable. If the “force” were replaced with “spiritual relm” in Star Wars, there would be the Godly side, and the ungodly side. Let us focus on Harry Potter though… Harry Potter involves sorcery and witchcraft. The entire series revolves around this theme, and they all go to the school of magic. What is wrong with this, is that these things are real. Satan does have demons, and spirits on this earth that work in supernatural ways through magic, and witchcraft. Here is the real kicker. Guess what! You don’t even have to believe in Satan, witchcraft, or magic for Satan to entice you, and entrap you in his snare. You don’t have to believe in supernatural spiritual happenings, in order for Satan to prove himself to you. Satan would love for kids to “test” him and see if things really can happen through the very things that are being taught in Harry Potter. The fact is, the Harry Potter books do nothing but 1) Glorify Satan 2) Entice children to dabble in witchcraft 3) Pull children away from God Ignorance is no excuse in Heaven. We justify allowing children in Christian homes to read this demonic stuff through ignorance.[/quote] any scripture here? and before maddmatt bans my account i wuold like to say this is not meant as a blast on him but just asking if there are scriptures in his posts when he is continually telling us to use scripture[/quote] Again, see: entire thread. There have been sufficient Scripture posted on the anti-Harry Potter side, but little to no Scripture posted on the pro-Harry Potter side. As I recall, there hasn\'t been any, actually.[/quote] i was just bringing up points where he didnt use scripture which means that he isn\'t following his own rule

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