
There is a song I’m sure most of you know. It is called “Days of Elijah.” In it Elijah comes declaring the word of the L-rd. Moses, the lawgiver, is synonymous with “righteousness being restored.” The reason for this link is because the Torah provides us with the definition of holiness and tells us the way HaShem wants His people to live. In short, the Torah, HaShem’s instructions to His people, is the path that leads to life. To walk in the other direction is to follow your own way and the way that seems right to us is the way that leads to death. Paul confirms this when he said: [b]Romans 8:7 - “The carnal mind is enmity against G-d; for it is not subject to the law of G-d, nor indeed can be.” [/b] “Not subject to the law of G-d,” (sound stinking familiar?) Could it be any clearer? To walk away from G-d’s instructions is to be led by the flesh and ultimate death. So if righteous is being restored, there must be a return to HaShem’s way, His Torah. This is what Elijah declared to those on Mt. Carmel and the message to the last day generation of believers is no different, repent, And RETURN! I know, there are those of you that will say [i]“[i]We have Yeshua!”[/i] Allow me to remind you that Yeshua said [b]“He who does not believe Moses doesn’t really believe me because Moses was really writing about me!” ([b]John 5:46-47[/b])[/b] Even though Yeshua said “[b]if you love me you will keep the commands[/b],” most all do not. Most say it is not for them but the Jews. Yet Torah says that there is one Torah for both Jew and Gentile. Christians think that Messiah came to start a new religion with a set of “[i]new and improved rules[/i].” This conclusion though flies in the face of the truth. The writer of Hebrews reminds us that the L-rd does not change; He is the same “[i]yesterday, today and forever.”[/i] This means that His instruction remains the same for those who love Him and He will send the “[i]spirit[/i]” of Elijah to compel people to return to His ways right before He returns. [b]"Repent, for the Kingdom of the Heavens is at hand!"[/b]

Post edited by: barry, at: 2008/04/27 01:09

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