
[b]VirtueVsVice wrote:[/b] [quote]Would it be possible to make a list of rules from the Bible telling you what you MUST do and what you must NOT do? If so, what would the list be like? Would I be able to look at it and see whether I\'ve been sinning or neglecting to do something which God has commanded me to do? Also, how do you find the differences between moral and governmental laws in the Bible? Is there even a difference?<br><br>Post edited by: VirtueVsVice, at: 2008/05/03 22:27[/quote] http://www.jewfaq.org/613.htm Yes, you can look there and see if you\'ve been sinning. I don\'t see how it could be helpful to divide G-d\'s Word. It only gives an escape for those that don\'t want to keep His Word. We should do our best to keep G-d\'s laws, IMO. All of them.

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