
The thing about digging yourself into a hole is this.. You can just keep on digging yourself deeper until you decide you\'re in deep enough. And even then, how do you get out? Well, you just have to dig. You just have to dig UP instead of down. And the farther down you are, the farther you\'re going to have to dig UP to GET out. Now G-d can and WILL give you the strength to do it. But I\'ve been there. And let me tell you, if you\'re looking for that magical answered prayer that suddenly makes things okay, it ain\'t gonna happen. What I don\'t understand is this- What makes you so sure that G-d doesn\'t hear you, and He won\'t forgive you, and all this other stuff? BTW, feel free to PM me if you\'d like.

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)