
[quote]Oh its just like Elementary school! Trust me![/quote] Thats what every one says! Im terrified to start this Friday. Im scared Im going to lose my BFF Sydney and others and become a total tragic band geek. (There was only to choices! Band or Art/Health) I was pretty popular I would say in Elementary, but Im scared Im going to be one in the crowd. (sorry if I mis-spelled that...) Im going to try out for the cheer team but I dont know if that will help. I need some advice on how to get noticed and know my way around. I dont like the feeling of being a dork. Please help -Abby [img size=100]http://www.mypraize.com/images/fbfiles/images/ICONATOR_59074e246fdb12a0e0844039b3befdd3.gif[/img]

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