
Ok, so here's the thing. He sounds like a nice guy -- really, he does. And I'm kind of in a situation like that, only without the other girl. But here's the real thing: he has a girlfriend. And yeah, maybe she's not all that nice and maybe he says he'll break up with her because he loves you. But who's to say that in a few months he won't be telling some other girl that he'll break up with YOU because he loves HER. Guys don't change, so if it didn't work the first few times, then chances are it's not gonna work this time. I mean, if this was the first time you were getting back together again, then maybe it would work. But this is what? The THIRD time you'd be getting back together. And maybe third time's the charm... and maybe it's not. I'm not saying it *won't* work, I'm just saying that you should be careful. You really don't want to be hurt again. I'm not trying to be pessimistic, I just call 'em like I see 'em. Just something to think about.

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