
I believe it has to do with your personal convictions. In the Bible it says that if you feel strongly that something is a sin and would dishonor God, then you should act on that belief. So while the Bible might not specifically say that gambling is a sin, but you strongly feel that it [i]is[/i] a sin and that it would dishonor God to gamble, then you [i]shouldn\'t[/i] gamble. Therefore, I believe that since gambling isn\'t specifically labeled as a sin, if you feel that it isn\'t a sin for you, it\'s not a sin for you. However, that\'s not to say that you should go do anything of questionable morality that isn\'t specifically mentioned in the Bible as a sin. I think it\'s sort of one of those gray areas. Personally, I don\'t think that gambling in itself is a sin, but, as you said, it can become a sin if you let it control your life. It could even be considered a sin if you gamble occasionally, but recklessly. Like, if you decide to gamble one time, but you bet everything you own and you lose, you would be seriously affecting your family in a negative way. Therefore, I think that could be considered a sin. But my main belief is that you should go by your own personal convictions (that are God-based). But that\'s just me.

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