
[b]Chantillon wrote:[/b] [quote][b]cookiedough28 wrote:[/b] [quote]My school's last debate team topic was whether or not is was necessary to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. So, was it necessary? Discuss.[/quote] Look at it this way, like 9/11 innocent lives were purposely taken but in this case in epic proportion.There is no excuse that can justify such a horrific act.[/quote] I tend to agree. The full effects of this period in history took quite a while to be felt. Somewhere around 1/3 of the world hates Americans. This period in time we're talking about had a lot to do with it. Sure, we had long ago stolen the Panama Canal, but to this day, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the only examples of a country using nukes in war. It was also in the midst of WW2 that Allied forces invaded Iran, and installed a puppet government to be friendlier to the West. These two incidents are something many people hold against us to this day. I personally have to wonder how different the global political climate would be today if not for "Fat man" and "little boy."

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