
Woah, slow down. That\'s a bit hard to read, but they\'re good questions. Can I just warn you now that if you ask those questions here, you might find some answers you don\'t like. That doesn\'t mean they aren\'t good answers, just that they may not be the traditional response. Having said that, you don\'t look like you\'re looking for a typical response. So let the fun stuff start! Who was Jesus? Well, he was a Jew. That\'s the first thing Christians tend to skip over. He would have looked, dressed and acted like a Jew. Mind you, he wasn\'t like the Pharisees, but he was still a Jew in both heritage and religion. What does it mean to be a Christian.. that\'s a little harder. I think it means total surrender. Giving your best for G-d and letting Him take what He will. I also think that I\'m terrible at it, but He forgives me anyway. It\'s a lot more complicated and a lot more simple than that, but words.. *shrug* How does our view of Jesus affect every other area in our theology? Ooh. That\'s a rully interesting one.It\'s hard to be sure right now, because I\'m not sure what my views are exactly. I think.. It does affect things quite a bit, but I couldn\'t tell you how, just that it does With our whatiology? Ooohh.. both? Yeshua (Jesus) is the Living Word and the Bible is the written word? I\'m not sure exactly, but I can\'t see why both can\'t be the Word. What would Jesus have to say about our churches. Heh. Depends on the church I think. In general, I *personally* think all churches are screwing up, but that\'s to be expected. They\'re made up of people. Some are doing a better job of screwing up than others. I don\'t actively go to church, so no examples from me, sorry. Probably both. It is human nature to view factual information through the lense of our own preconceptions or ideas. Science 101.

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