
Oh boy! I have a list of them. First off: Water World Fantastic Four part one and two Super Man three and four The Blair Witch Project Stranger Than Fiction (I can\'t believe that movie was a nominee for best comedy at the Golden Globe Awards, and I\'m glad it didn\'t even get the award!) Home Alone 3 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Every single Robocop movie Alien part three and four Alien vs. Predator Rookie of the Year (I just hate that kid so much. More than Jake Lloyd) And Speaking of Jake Lloyd, Star Wars Episode 1 and 2 Death Note part one and two (please don\'t ask why) Full Metal Alchemist Godzilla\'s Revenge the Monty Python movies Grease 2 (Yes, there are two. Didn\'t know? Just take a guess and figure out why for yourself) Friday the 13th part 3 Batman and Robin Batman Forever Surviving Christmas Good Son (That movie was so stupid) The Pagemaster North (it was just so offensive in so many categories) Super Mario Bros. Movie Street Fighter Movie Mortal Kombat: Annihilation And I think thats about it

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