
Oh my GOODNESS some of you people need to quit listening to Rush Limbaugh. Look, the man\'s a junkie who oughtta be in prison for advocating tampering with federal elections. He\'s NOT the one to look to for your political opinions. Obama is not \"Black.\" To call him such is to disrespect his mother. He is African-American. Please, can we all get on the same page here? These terms are not new, we\'ve had them since before any one of us here was born, so let\'s try to use them correctly, please. Furthermore, he\'s an African-American from Chicago. Maybe he\'s biased against cops, not against whites? That\'s where I\'m at. There are enough crooked cops in my city, that I have to wonder, if there truly ARE some good cops left, why aren\'t they outing the bad ones? Cops have done nothing to improve my quality of life, or ever helped me in any way. That\'s not racist. That\'s just the facts. They\'re not very good at preventing crime. The most they can do is deal with it after it happens. As to the original topic, all fearmongering aside, there are millions upon millions of people who cannot see a doctor NOW. It doesn\'t MATTER how old they are, and it doesn\'t matter what their life expectancy is. AS one of those millions, for my entire adult life, I say if YOU aren\'t willing to walk into a children\'s hospital and tell those sick kids that you don\'t think they deserve to be healthy, and that you don\'t want to chip in, because that would be socialism, then neither should you be standing against sick people getting well. I think very few Republicans could actually stomach having that conversation. They just block it out, and make it some distant abstract political issue, instead of the harsh reality many of us face. I mean, I worry, if I should get injured or catch a serious illness, if I would EVER be able to own a home, without paying cash for it. Is that REALLY so much better than everybody being able to see a doctor when they\'re sick?

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