
\"Under God\" wasn\'t added into the pledge officially (it was used unofficially for quite some time before then though) until 1954 ( [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pledge_of_Allegiance#Addition_of_the_words_.22under_God.22]source[/url] ). As to why: well, the answer is quite simply that the majority of Americans, both historically and now, acknowledge the existence of a deity. As far as the Obama racist thing, Dante is right that I can\'t judge Obama\'s motives for his comments about the police department. I do know that the professor definitely acted \"stupidly\" by pulling the race card in the way that he did (listen to the audio of it), and I believe were he white, no one would care if he was arrested for making a scene in the way that he did. No one should use race as a crutch. Why didn\'t Obama apologize? I\'m not sure. Most of us were taught by our parents that when we do something wrong, we apologize and move on. Maybe his mother or father didn\'t teach him this. But this picture pretty accurately captures the whole ordeal: [img]http://www.glennbeck.com/images/news/2009/05/080309pod1.jpg[/img] ( [url=http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/07/obamas_revealing_body_language.html]read the article with it[/url] ) Rush Limbaugh shouldn\'t go to prison. You\'re right. That was Matt speaking out of two sides of his mouth. Clearly, this is a nation of free speech. Right wing talking heads have just as much right to speak their opinion as the left wing talking heads. As for your comment about there being no African Americans, I\'m not sure what your problem is with using a respectful title. Sometimes, it\'s necessary to describe someone\'s ethnicity. Whether it is Anglo-Saxon, Latino, African-American, etc.

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