
re: Under G-d Ben is right, it was a post-WW2 measure. The only thing I would add is that it wasn\'t added to reflect a majority opinion, but rather because of the emerging cold war with communist Russia. Faith in G-d was one thing that set us apart from them, thus the phrase was added to reflect that. Yes, Rush SHOULD be in prison. There are limits to free speech. If I use my freedom of speech to advocate, say, armed revolution, you better believe they can come after me for that. Rush Limbaugh chose to use HIS national voice to openly advocate that Republicans lie to the American people, by taking part in a DEMOCRATIC primary, which is only supposed to be attended by people who intended to vote Democrat in the actual election. That IS tampering with a federal election. Everyone that took part in switching sides for the primary lied to We The People, and the few at the top of this conspiracy are outright traitors to this country, who have no respect for the integrity of our elections. Your whole rant about Latino-Americans and African-Americans doesn\'t even make sense to me, so I can\'t respond to it. Why CAN\'T a person be proud both of their country, AND their heritage? And, how am I talking out of both sides of my mouth? I don\'t care what a person\'s political affiliations are. You don\'t have the right to interfere with the democratic process. Where have I EVER said otherwise?

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