
[b]serfofChrist92 wrote:[/b] [quote][quote]And, how am I talking out of both sides of my mouth? I don\'t care what a person\'s political affiliations are. You don\'t have the right to interfere with the democratic process. Where have I EVER said otherwise?[/quote] What law did he break that he should be behind bars? I\'m not sure what all this switching sides on the primary thing is, but I read your post to mean that you thought he should be behind bars for his views. Sorry if I misread that.[/quote] No, not for his political views.. For \"Tampering with a federal election\" Each primary is supposed to have participation only from those who intend to vote for that party in the general election. The republican primary is supposed to be for those who have already decided to vote republican. Same with the democratic primary. Rush Limbaugh used his nationally syndicated show to openly advocate that his audience misrepresent themselves as democrats, in order to vote for Hillary Clinton in the democratic primary, on the notion that she would be harder for democrats to elect in the general election. This undermined the integrity OF those democratic primaries, kept her in the news for months longer than needed, and quite frankly, is probably a big factor is her having a cabinet position today. He openly instructed his followers to lie to the election workers, and to the American people, in order to change the results of an election. THAT\'S why I think he should be in prison.

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