
Before I begin, I\'d just like to point out Star Wars isn\'t based off any book or book series. Anyway... First, you say the film was \"just weird\" and that the land was \"just random\" - \"thrown in\". What were you expecting? I don\'t know if you caught this or not, but WTWTA was supposed to be about the imagination of a child. The \"randomness\" of the film and its setting sets in perfectly with the themes the film brings up - loneliness, the imperfection of life and those involved in it, death, forgiveness, and - most importantly - the imagination of a child. This movie did the playfulness and care-free aspects of childhood justice, unlike some other children\'s films I could name. <_< Why do we need to know what happened to the dad? All we need to know is he isn\'t there. Period. Telling us anything other than that would have just been overstating the obvious. Once again, you\'re using that \"random\" term. It\'s supposed to be nonsensical, as the whole film revolves around childhood and imagination. The only thing I can seem to agree with you on this review, though, is that the visuals are spectacular. I loved each and every one of the Wild Things\' different personalities, perspectives, and problems. The fact that they acted like real people was far more interesting to me than whether or not real fur was used in the costumes. For the umpteenth time, imagination does not have to \"make sense\". Lol. Tim Burton wanna-be? I\'m guessing you\'ve never seen one of Spike Jonze\'s other films. Not saying I\'m some big fan of his, but the man does indeed have his own style. Check out [i]Being John Malkovich[/i] if you get the chance... I obviously understand you didn\'t particularly care for the film, but I thought it was one of the most entertaining, emotional, and definitely most intelligent films I\'ve seen all year. While there were admittedly some problems, I thought this film was simply fantastic. 9/10

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