
You guys are probably wondering who Ed Wood is. Before I get into my review of this movie, let me give you the backbone of the story behind Ed Wood. Back in the early 1950's, Ed Wood started to film his movies that were mostly just horror movies, staring Bella Lagrousi, who was the star as the very first Dracula. Ed Wood had a passion for film making and loved it. He was also a great visionary in his work. Only one problem though. His movies sucked. Every single movie that he made never made any money. But then on the end of his career, till the day he died, he gave up by just filming porn movies. Sad, but true. Now, in 1994, Tim Burton filmed and released his movie, Ed Wood, starring Johnny Deep as Ed Wood, and Sarah Jessica Parker as his girlfriend. This movie just shows what the worst film maker of all time did with his career. This movie was surprisingly enough funny. He started off as a director in plays that he would make, but not as a film maker. And as you would have guessed, he sucked at it. Just remember that the key word for this review is going to be "sucked," so don't be surprised if you see me type it out so many times. Then he wanted to advanced into becoming into a film maker in his first movie, Glen or Glendora, which I am not going to go into any detail whatsoever. Why not? Oh, just trust me. Right before he starts making his film and writing the script for it, he just suddenly finds Bella Lagrousi in a coffin store, only because he is getting ready for his funeral. So Ed Wood then starts having a friendship with the guy, who is actually short tempered and not someone who you would want to hang out with. I felt kind of sorry for the guy after watching this movie. He was a cranky old man, who was just lonely, and wanted to die. Not only that, but his career was down the toilet during this time and so many people thought he was dead. He didn't die till 1954. The acting in this movie is kind of funny at times. I mean who knew that Ed Wood's career would be so funny in such a horrible career? Not only that, but Johnny Depp's performance is unique, and yet so different in this film. I just forget that I am watching Johnny Deep in this film I'm just so use to looking at him as just a dark, twisted, and sometimes serious actor. In this one, he acts more like a young man in his early 20's in the 50's. Can't picture it, well here's a trailer, just so you can see what the movie is like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51U0f4VKXIg That's right, I forgot to mention that Bill Murry is in it. Well anyway, this movie is not for kids for a number of reasons, but it still holds up to what I would call a great movie. The moral to this movie is to never give up the one thing in your life that you have passion for and never let anyone's comment take you down, no matter what. My score: 4/5

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