
Unicorne kid.Best.Band.Ever.If you like electonal music,this is your guy.wee monster by Unicorne kid.some other song of witch you might find to your enjoyment are.....Dinosaurs go rar by amy can flyy and "go go gadget happy heart" also by "amy can flyy"also try other songs by unicorne kid,like "phantom unicorne" "Animal city" "Auto Play"and "Supermart" and I deffantly cuggest these bands if you like owl city,because there are a little like the same.But wayyyy cooler ^.^ Other song by owl city you might enjoy: Rainbow veins,Fireflies (Everyone knos this one <---)Hello seattlt(Where I live!) Dear vienna,saltwater room,strawberry avalanche,dental care,vanilla twilght.and if you do not kno owl city,the closest thing there close to is nevershoutnever! if u like ol city or unicorn kid,you might also want to try some of the classic rave songs by tune up likkkke.....forever young and ravers fanatasy.and pretty rave girl by i am x ray.also,1 800 zombie.some great song by them are taco eating party,i am a unicorne,and that lady is a bush xD Sorry,just had to share these aesome bands iff u.

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)