
I just finished watching Zombieland. I have to admit, this is the second zombie movie I have seen in my life. The first would be I am Legend. This is one of my all time favorites, and man is it funny! So here's my review. It starts off with the whole US that is now on called zombie land. It was never explained how the whole country became infested with zombies, nor does it explain how the people became zombies. I actually like this idea in a way, because there are now just way too many zombies that have been coming out that just uses some kind of virus or just some vaccine that turns people into zombies and I'm just getting pretty tired of this over-used idea. I would rather off not use anything that uses that idea and just enjoy the movie the way how it is. So you have this college student who is called Columbus throughout the whole movie, who lives in the University of Texas in Austin, who lays out the rules of zombieland and follows them. He is just guy who just wants to live in a life where he could just fit in with the whole society. He is just a scaredy-cat who just gets scared so easily. Then you got Tallahassee, who just steals the whole movie, who is just the toughest in the pack of four survivors. Through the whole movie, he is just striving to find a twinkie and always ends up with trying to keep looking for at least one. Then you got Wichita, who is a con-artist, who teams up with her younger sister Little Rock. So its just them, surviving in zombieland, enjoying what they got left in the country, and driving from Texas, into Hollywood, meeting someone that blew millions of peoples minds after watching this movie. For those of you who don't know, you just got to watch it for yourself. You will be amazed. But for those of you who already know and heard of the spoiler, I feel the same. Overall, this is a great movie. I declare this as one of my top favorite movies of all time. Its awesome, funny, gory and entertaining all at the same time. I would really give a watch. 5/5

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