
8. [IMG]http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh96/TW15T3DM3T4L/Nintendo%2064/1008114674-00.jpg[/IMG] I can't think of any other original Mario game that was and still is as good as this. This one game changed the way how we look and play RPGs. I just love how goofy and yet so fun this game is. The 3-D graphics look cool and I even love how Myamoto used the enemies and bosses in this game. I loved how Bubba Tubba wasn't living without a heart and was immortal. Now come to think about it, that is kind of weird. The music in this game is kind of annoying at times though. The first theme song for Princess Peach was very, very childish and I just wanted to torture the writer to that song. But there are also times that the music is kind of cool. Like the part where you first encounter the seven stars on that one mountain for example. I actually enjoyed the remix to that one song, and they did a really good job to the songs on the Thousand Year Door too. And up to this day, I still have the game for the N64. And no, I don't use the emulator, only because that is cheap and lame, even for a hardcore gamer.

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