
I'm not a science oriented kind of guy. I know that I'm not going to be able to fully articulate my thoughts, and when I do, the facts won't be correct. It's just the way I operate. Warning aside, I actually do have a question. Does denying the spirit entail denying free will? We are all composed of atoms. There isn't really a whole lot that differentiates the atoms in out bodies than the atoms in the chair nearest to you. That being said, why is it that we can tell the atoms in our body to move our arm up and down while we cannot tell the atoms in the leg of the chair to wobble back and forth? What gives humans the control over the atoms in their bodies? Do humans have control over the atoms in their bodies? I fully believe that we are endowed by our Creator with free will. But, to repost my question, does denying the spirit entail denying free will?

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