
13. [IMG]http://i605.photobucket.com/albums/tt138/Omra2009/ponyo.jpg[/IMG] I love watching Hayao Miyazaki's movies, and this is one of them. This, to so many people, is one of those movies that is hard to hate. The animation, the music, and even the characters are all entertaining. Liam Nelson is one of the English voice actors for this moive! I have no idea that he was starring a role in this one, till I first heard his voice. The way how the fishes swam around the trees, whether if it was a whale or a shark, it looks amazing! The music that was played in this one was incredible. I truly admire how Miyazaki still makes his movies. While mostly all animated movies and shows are done on computer, Miyazaki relies only on using cell animation today. He's hold this tradition on today, and I don't ever seek him to change it at all. His movies are glorious to watch.

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