
Alright, the moment of truth has finally come. Now that I just finished watching both of my favorites that I'[m about to post, I can now safely reveal them to you. So here they are. 2. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a205/camspam19/GTO.jpg[/IMG] I have never watched a show in my entire life where I laughed so hard on almost every single episode. This is one of those shows that you will have a hard time watching of just how lol funny it is. You will love it, but at the same time hate it for just how hilarious it is. There were just some jokes in this show that I couldn't control myself out of laughter. When I first found out about, I only heard of it. But now when I watched it, I couldn't help myself. What surprised me the most is that the voice actor for Onizuka for the english dub is non other than the same guy who does Spike's voice from Cowboy Bebop. I never thought that he would even do this kind of role before in my entire life. He is just perfect at what he does. Every time you see the guy, you just want to know what he's going to do. The kids are also great, on how theyb try their hardest to get him fired. That's actually the main plot of this show. Onizuka is trying to be the GTO, and the Junior High school students are trying to get him fired. The one thing I must warn you about this show is that it does have some explicit content in it. And that is one of the reasons for why you can't read the mangas online anymore. Come on! Its not like Dragon Ball never had any naughty moments in it. Speaking of which, there are mangas for this series, but it went out of print, and now you can only buy them on ebay or amazon.com. I do also have to mention is that the music in this show is great to listen to. The intro music is just the best that I have seen in a long time. 1st Intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCZ2DR80Xb0 2nd Intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=GPiSerZLG5Q&feature=related The way how I look at this show is that it looks more like as if it was meant to be a live action show to begin with, but decided to turn it into an anime on the last minute. Just by looking at the animation on these people's faces could just be hilarious to look at. Onizuka's the best. I crack up just by looking at every single expression he has. The sad part about this show was that it never got an American release. I do wonder how that can be. If it didn't, then why did it have english dub in the first place? Oh well, who knows. I don't really care anyway, because I still love this show no matter how I look at it.

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