
Here's why [i]I[/i] fell asleep in it. 1. I was tired. 2. A lot of the humor kinda fell flat. 3. There was a lot of strong language (which I don't inherently mind, but it all seemed forced). 4. The way they depicted Christians as the worst stereotype possible. 5. The way they depicted everyone as stereotypical...there were no unique characters. 6. She thought 80's chick flicks were the best. Clearly, this belongs to the era of Humphrey Bogart, Jimmy Stewart, Fred Astaire, and Cary Grant. 7. Seriously? She took on the persona of school slut voluntarily, then spends the rest of the movie whining about it? That's about all my issues and why I spent about half an hour in the bathroom/playing in the arcade instead of watching the movie. I only went in the first place because a group of friends I was hanging out with wanted to go lol.

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