
6 months ago my family decided to leave the church we were attending. To make it short, my best friends dad took it personal and now is mad at my dad. And as a result he will not let his 'kids' hang out with us. He said we can come to their house though. However, my dad said we can't purely because he doesn't trust..., well, lets call him John. He doesn't trust John not to confront us and/or make us feel bad or be mean. And my friend kinda disappeard when all of this started. Its been 6 months! I could handle my old youth group and the youth leaders, and even some of the poeple from the church building not talking to me anymore. But my best friend?! And I know its not all his fault. John has been telling his fam bad (faulty) stuff about us. But this hurts. and I don't know what to do!

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