
7. All the Dragon Ball Z openings I couldn't pick one. I consider all of them to be a whole. Okay, only three intros. The original Japanese Intro, the English heavy metal intro and the Kai intro. And no, don't tell me that Kai doesn't count. Why wouldn't it? It's the same show, just without the fillers. I appreciate the English dub a lot on the original Dragon Ball Z, even though we see Master Rochi fight for some reason. It wasn't in the Japanese version, and that scene wasn't even in the show either. The Japanese intro also has a great song to listen to, and it's also epic. It's so epic, that it's even on the intro of every DBZ movie ever made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ny1e8je-ZNQ&feature=related Even though the blue dragon on the title screen is weird, since its nowhere to be found in the show and it doesn't look anything like the magical dragon, it still serves itself as a great intro. The song for Kai is also catchy and the intro is awesome to watch. Just seeing the last scene of Goku and Vegeta fightint looks epic in HD! But I don't appreciate the English dub at all. It sounds pretty bad. If you don't agree with me, just listen to the big difference between the two. Here's the Japanese version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYMklIDsm64&feature=related Uuugghh. Here's the English dub: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knrOG5mE4lg It's like Rick Ashely was singing the song. What, was he trying to Rick Roll us through singing this song? I really don't have any respect for this song at all, as you can see. Now, I have seen and found out about the news of the crossover between Dragon Ball Z and One Piece. I don't know if Akira Toriyama has nothing better to do, and I have never watched or read the One Piece manga either, but I'm only hoping that the upcoming show will be worth watching. Dragon Ball Z (Japanese Opening): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-sOHqgibTA&feature=fvst Dragon Ball Z (English Opening): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFjXSEA1FdQ&feature=related

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