
I may not have had to choose from 30 people, but this was still a tough choice! Here it goes... [b]Christian Bale [/b] [img size=150]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ligoRXQ7Hss/SJztNFXbiMI/AAAAAAAABJM/_NA3Lj_i4x4/s400/christian_bale4.jpg[/img] He\'s been in a few popular movies such as Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. I thought those movies were pretty great, but he really caught my attention in The Prestige. That\'s one of my all time favorite movies. Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale make the most handsome pair of rivals ever :) [b]Adam Baldwin[/b] [img size=150]http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:KOhrMw2anXXSNM:http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w108/EnchantedDaffodils/Adam-Baldwin-ff01.jpg&t=1[/img] I think this guy plays the best co-star I\'ve ever seen. I\'ve only seen him in Firefly and Chuck, but he can be funny, tough, and oh so handsome all at the same time. :P [b]Heath Ledger[/b] [img size=150]http://www.urb.com/uploads/blogs/2154/1561_662345527_heath_ledger_9_H161753_L.jpg[/img] I cried the day Heath Ledger died. His smile makes me smile. He was in A Knight\'s Tale, 10 Things I Hate About You, and The Dark Knight. [b]David Tennant[/b] [img size=150]http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j317/PoisonedWhip/doctor_who___david_tennant_by_jenni.jpg[/img] So, I\'ve only really seen David Tennant for too short a time in Harry Potter 4...However, he reminds me of someone... Plus, I hear he plays in Doctor Who?c(: [b]Ian Somerhalder (:[/b] [img size=150]http://static.tvfanatic.com/images/gallery/ian-somerhalder-picture.jpg[/img] I get lost in those eyes. He\'s so amazingly good looking! He was in Lost, and now he\'s in The Vampire Diaries. His role in that show suits him extremely well.

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